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Topic: : Literature review integrating critical appraisal of the evidence

Order Description
Assessment Task 3: Literature review integrating critical appraisal of the evidence

Details of task: This assignment has six parts.
The aim of this assignment is for you to demonstrate that you understand how to:
• find the available evidence around a specific nursing practice issue or clinical question;
• critically appraise the evidence (from both qualitative and quantitative research) that relates to your 
topic/nursing practice issue. 
Part 1: Title of the Literature Review and Clinical or a Professional Scenario
• Title your literature review.
• State whether your topic is a clinical issue or professional issue.
• Write a scenario* 
Copyright © Monash University 2015. All rights reserved. Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968, this work may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the host Faculty and School/Department.
Information related to the above steps.
Develop a scenario* that describes a health issue of concern for an individual or group of patients/clients (clinical) or a key professional issue that you wish to explore (professional) (approximately 200 words). The scenario should be written from an experience or situation that you have/may encounter in your professional experience. First person is commonly used to write the scenario. The topic must focus on a nursing practice issue inside the scope of the ANMC Competencies Standards for RNs. Please note that for Summer Semester 2015 – students are not permitted to submit workplace scenarios that relate to hand washing, pressure area care, pressure ulcers, patient falls, or to patient aggression.
Part 2: Population Information
Describe the population identified in your scenario (approximately 300 words). This typically will include information on the following. This information must be accurately referenced.
For a clinical scenario provide information on:
• the incidence of the health or other issue in the local population compared with national and 
international data
• how the issue is diagnosed/identified
• the current management for this health or other issue
• the outcomes used to measure success of the management
• prognostic details
• any costing information available 
For a professional issue provide information on:
• the scope of the issue for the profession in Australia/The state in which you practice compared 
with international data
• how the issue is diagnosed/identified
• the current management of this issue
• what successful management of or intervention in the issue entails
• what outcomes are sought for a future professional state of affairs
• any costing information available 
Part 3: Search Strategy
• From the scenario, develop a question you need to answer in order to provide the best practice.
• State the searchable question.
• Provide a brief explanation of the question.
• Write a PICO/T (or PECO/T) that you will assist your operationalisation of for searching the 
• State your inclusion and exclusion criteria.
• The database you will search is CINAHL plus.
• Conduct the search/es
• Sort the results of your search
• Select the final 5 single study research papers that you will include in your review
• Draw a PRISMA flow style diagram to depict the results and paper sorting/selection steps 
Information related to the above steps.
1) Use the PICO/T (or PECO/T) framework. 
P = person or population of interest 
Copyright © Monash University 2015. All rights reserved. Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968, this work may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the host Faculty and School/Department.
I = intervention E = experience C = comparison O = outcome
T = time
Information and resources relating to PICO/T and PECO/T are available through the Moodle site and through the Nursing & Midwifery section of the Library’s website. For some questions there might not be a comparison group and time may not be relevant.
2) Determine a search strategy that will yield relevant literature for finding evidence to decide best practice. Provide a summary of your search strategy (approximately 250 words). Undertake a literature search using your search strategy.
3) Inclusion and exclusion criteria. State these (possibly use a table). For this assignment you will Include only single study research papers that are published in in refereed professional journals. Please exclude opinion papers, literature reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analysis and metasynthesis papers, papers which use uncommon research methods; and papers not written in english.
4) Sort the results of your search – a) discard irrelevant scientific papers b) narrow your papers the best 5-10 c) undertake critical review of the papers using critical review tools eg CASP, JBI, those in your text book d) select the best five for the detailed work of the literature review.
CASP tools are available at www.casp-uk.net/
JBI appraisal tools are available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781444316544.app2/summary
5) You can find examples of PRISMA flow style diagrams in published literature reviews. PRISMA information and templates are available at www.prisma-statement.org/archive/statement.htm
Part 4: Provide an annotated bibliography of the literature you have located, using the two table formats below. (Approximately 2500 words)
Select the ‘best’ 5 articles on the chosen issue; best is in research terms, justify your choice.
Table 1: Annotated Bibliography 1
• Table format – landscape layout, 6 columns (using headings provided), no more than one page per article. Single spacing and 10-point font are acceptable.
• Authors & Title – provide authors and title of paper, and comment on the authors, their standing in this area of research or practice, and the extent they are cited by others.
• Year – provide year of publication and comment on whether the date has any relevance for practice.
• Journal – provide name of journal and comment on what standing the journal has in the international and national health community
• Country – provide country where research conducted and comment on similarities and differences in the research setting compared with your location. For example, consider the type of health care system, funding of health care system, type of clinical setting.
• Population – describe the population studied and comment on the similarities and differences compared with the population in your scenario.
• Comments may be brief and written in note form. 
Copyright © Monash University 2015. All rights reserved. Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968, this work may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the host Faculty and School/Department.
Table 2: Annotated Bibliography 2
• Table format – landscape layout, 7 columns (using headings provided), no more than one page per article. Single spacing and 10-point font are acceptable.
• Authors, year & design – provide authors and year of publication; name the study design (for example, randomized controlled trial, case control study, survey, interpretive study using in- depth interviews).
• Research question – report the main objective of the study.
• Sample size and profile – report how many people were in the study, how they were selected 
and whether a power calculation was done (if appropriate).
• Outcomes – report the main findings (including numbers, if quantitative) and comment on 
whether these are to be considered clinically meaningful.
• The results of your critical appraisal assessment
• Comment – report on the strength of the scientific design 
Part 5: Conclusion (approximately 250 words) 
Provide a concluding statement that synthesises the findings of the literature review to the research question. 
Part 6: Reference List 
Provide a reference list using APA 6th edition format, for all literature cited in the assignment. Information on this referencing style is available on Moodle.
Due Date:
Word limit:
Friday 15 January 2016
3,500 words (excludes appendices and reference list) 30%
Presentation requirements: Academic, Word processed, APA referencing
Estimated return date: Monday 15 February 2015
Criteria for Marking:
Detailed marking grids for this assignment will be available on NUR5033 Moodle site. 100 marks are used in the marking grid, converted to 30% grade after marking. The detailed marking grid will be available on the NUR5033 Moodle website and will be marked according to according to a range of criteria, including:
Criteria Mark
Part 1: Title & clinical scenario or professional scenario 10
Part 2: Population information
Part 3: Search strategy 20
Part 4: Provide an annotated bibliography Table 1
Table 2 20 20
Part 5: Conclusion
Part 6: Reference list

Presentation/writing style 5

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